We cut to Ewan, who’s kinda trying to put the blame on us - he’s all like, “So YOUR FRIEND got in here and broke into my spy shit. Dammit, Zoe :( She cuts a hole in the spy case and steals something, then peaces out. When we get down to the base, Ewan’s not here, but Zoe is! What up girl!

We want to press them from largest green hexagon to smallest - so that would make 4 the first number and 5 the last. Our spy vision shows us that there are green lines around some of the numbers. Rude! How am I gonna do spy shit now, Ewan? The good news is, since we have Zoe’s glasses, we can use them to look at the elevator control panel. We try to go back to Cathedral’s base, but as Ewan’s changed the security, the button in the elevator won’t work anymore. Also, international spies wear hella eyeliner. Anyway: Revenant is trying to mind-control Glasgow with drugs, or maybe just stage a coup, because they’re evil, or maybe they’re not. I’m usually into having deep conversations with computer characters, but it was actually pretty boring, because the plot of this game is so weird. Previously on Nancy Drew: The Silent Spy: We walked around and talked to all of our suspects a lot.