Royal Hack For Css V34 Cfg Download
Royal Hack For Css V34 Cfg Download

Q: When will you add this or this feature from CS:GO? Q: Steam only or this mod will work on non-steam as well?Ī: Yes it will work on non-steam.

Royal Hack For Css V34 Cfg Download

Q: What's the difference between Patch and Standalone?Ī: Standalone is basically the entire mod and Patch is a patch for previous version of the mod so that whenever a new version of the mod comes out, you don't need to download the entire mod again Q: When are you gonna release a new version?Ī: Look at installation.txt file in. Unique voice lines for each grenade throwĪnd lots of small things or something I forgot.CS:GO C4 logic (radio message 4 seconds before explosion it will explode 1 second after going off just like in CS:GO).Unique voice for each faction (excluding bots).Unique hands viewmodel for each faction.New sounds from CS:GO (footsteps, hit sounds, etc).New cash award system (award for defusing/planting the bomb, different kill rewards for different weapons).CS:GO player animations (v0.10 and above: from the current CS:GO build below v0.10: from an old CS:GO build).CS:GO shaders: Character, WeaponDecal, CustomWeapon and improved phong shading for VertexLitGeneric.

Royal Hack For Css V34 Cfg Download

New gamemodes: Deathmatch (normal and FFA), Arms Race, Flying Scoutsman.Complete CS:GO shooting mechanics (spray patterns, etc).Gloves that you can also change in-game!.Loadout system (for example, you can use either HKP2000 or USP-S, depending on what you prefer!).Even all agents from CS:GO! (you can switch them in-game whenever you want).

Royal Hack For Css V34 Cfg Download

All weapons from CS:GO (really, all of them!).Ever wanted to play CS:S just like CS:GO but tired of simple model-changing mods? Then this mod is for you! This is a mod for Counter-Strike: Source, which brings a lot of gameplay features from CS:GO into CS:S, such as:

Royal Hack For Css V34 Cfg Download